Wednesday, January 30, 2008


"I am the greatest advocate of the Constitution of the United States there is on earth. In my feelings I am always ready to die for the protection of the weak and oppressed in their just rights." - Prophet Joseph Smith

"We will cling to the Constitution of our country, and to the government that reveres that sacred charter of freemen's rights; and if necessary, pour out our best blood for the defense of every good and righteous principle." Prophet Brigham Young

"It was in this government, (government of the United States) formed by men inspired of God, although at the time they knew it not, after it was firmly established in the seat of power and influence, where liberty of conscience, and the free exercise of religious worship were a fundamental principle guaranteed in the Constitution" - Prophet Brigham Young

"No item of inspiration is held more sacred with us (Mormons) than the Constitution (of the United States) under which she acts." - Prophet Brigham Young

I am so tired of hearing people base their vote on religion, and religion alone. Have we forgotten what has made America so great? Have we forgotten what we fought for? I agree you should be able to choose how you believe, but to use that belief to solely decide who your leaders should be is wrong. I admit that I have a pull to Romney because I know he shares my same core values, but my biggest pull to Romney is that I believe he is the right person for the economy. To me the economy is more important at this time than the war in Iraq. If the war, or any war, was my main concern then I would vote for McCain. To simply say ignorant remarks about someones religion and base your vote on that is stupid and mindless. Does anyone know the religions of any of the other candidates? If you tell me I will find strange and interesting facts about their religions. However, once I do that I bring myself under the same condemnation if I base my vote on their religions. This is America. Choose your leader wisely. Truly look at everything, and give those things that matter most to you the greatest weight. If what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believes is most important to you, then you better make religion your main concern with every candidate.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do you have everything?

"For it must be true, as an old writer says, that he who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only." - C.S. Lewis

I love this quote because it brings me back to reality. It lets me know that all I really need in life is God, and that my relationship with Him is critical to my happiness and salvation. I would love to have a lot of worldly things. At times I crave material things. I set goals to obtain worldly things. What I really need to be doing is setting goals to obtain eternal things. No one has more than the person who has God in their life. Having God in your life brings such blessings. I really do not deserve those blessings, but God still gives them to me. I am very grateful.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Life Today

"We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea." - C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory.
This is pure truth. Our day in age is all about "me" and how I define or experience happiness. Happiness is not in the next drink nor is it in the next sex partner. Happiness is in LOVE. Real, pure love is where happiness is. We were put on this earth to experience joy, but that joy comes from our Father who created us, not from man made luxuries or experiences.
Love includes service, joy, charity, and other qualities that make you feel true happiness that lasts. Search and long for those things that bring peace. Pure love brings peace, and in turn brings happiness. Be weary of instant gratification, and search for those things that bring you eternal peace.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Baby Name

I just wanted to thank everyone that is voting for our boy's name. It is so much fun for us to watch everyone vote. Emily is still trying to figure out which name is the best. We are leaning toward Pitcher, especially since Emily's sister now wants to use that name for her boy that is going to be born about 5 weeks after our baby. I will shortly be putting pictures of Emily and her tummy on the blog. It is so HOT to see her tummy getting bigger. Men, do you like the big pregnant belly. Leave your comments. I am wondering if y'all think it is hot.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


"I thought of the unending variety of possibilities the Lord has provided for us. We have so much freedom, so many opportunities to develop our unique personalities and talents, our individual memories, our personalized contributions." - Richard G. Scott in Conference Report, Apr. 1996, 33)
I love this quote. Agency is such a marvelous thing. We truly do have the OPPORTUNITY to choose what we want. There are consequences to what we choose; some good and some bad. I look at my life and I have made bad choices, and I have made good choices. It has been the bad that I have had to grapple and fight with. It is a constant battle to do what is right, and it is not easy. I would not trade any of that for my agency. I like the fact that I am in control of my destiny, and that I will decide how it plays out. I will not react to life, I will make life react to me.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Foo Fighters - Music Video

Foo Fighters-The Pretender

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I just wanted to drop a line and say that I have been listening to the new Foo Fighters Album and it is great!!! You need to check this out if you are a fan of guitars and drums, and meaningful vocals and lyrics. Also I have been listening to Kate Nash, Lily Allen, and Paramore. Also check out "A Fine Frenzy." I need to add a sample of one of them as soon as I figure out how to do so. If someone knows how let me know! Thanks

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"The Glory of God is Intelligence"

Joseph Smith said "knowledge is necessary to life and godliness." To be like God, we must gain and pursue knowledge. What kind of knowledge? I would say knowledge that leads to salvation. However, I do not believe that any knowledge will hurt or hinder our trek toward salvation, unless we seek after that knowledge that detracts from light in our lives. Joseph Smith also stated "God has more power than all other beings, because He has greater knowledge." Nothing could be more correct. Knowledge truly is power. How we exercise that power will have a lot to do with how we are judged when we stand before God after this life. I encourage all to seek after the knowledge that brings salvation, and I promise that the Holy Ghost will deliver the knowledge that will bring light into your life.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I just wanted to add some pics of me and Em! Hope y'all enjoy them!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Last Semester of Law School

That is correct, it is the last semester. I feel much like I felt about a month before law school. I am anxious to get on with my life. I feel like I am in limbo. I feel stuck. I am ready to move on and leave law school and actually start a career. I don't know how much law I will really practice, but I do know that I have benefited from my education. I don't feel smarter (I really don't know what that would feel like). I am a true believer that THE MORE YOU LEARN THE LESS YOU KNOW. This is true because the more your eyes, mind, and heart are opened to knowledge the more you realize that there is so much more out there than you thought there was. This is exactly how I felt as I read Tolstoy. I am addicted to learning, but what I really think I am addicted to is having my eyes opened. I know that there are other law students reading this blog, please leave your thoughts through the comments section. Thank you

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Oppression by One's Neighbor

I know that this title seems a little strange but I think the word oppression makes sense. I have been thinking a lot about the world and the influences that are in it, and how those influences affect each of us, including me. The using of the word "neighbor" means all that are around you. I am highly affected by my neighbors. I wish that I was not. I yearn for knowledge. But do I want knowledge for the right reasons? Do I want knowledge because I think it will make me money? Do I want knowledge because I think that it will make me more accepted? Or do I simply want knowledge because those that I look up to have it? This is one example of how we are oppressed or freed by our neighbors. I will benefit from this want, no matter the root of it. So in a way the oppression has become a benefit, or maybe later it will become a detriment. Each influence will be different. I encourage all to seek after those things that bring light into their lives. Truly find out who you are. Ask yourselves the hard questions.