That is correct, it is the last semester. I feel much like I felt about a month before law school. I am anxious to get on with my life. I feel like I am in limbo. I feel stuck. I am ready to move on and leave law school and actually start a career. I don't know how much law I will really practice, but I do know that I have benefited from my education. I don't feel smarter (I really don't know what that would feel like). I am a true believer that THE MORE YOU LEARN THE LESS YOU KNOW. This is true because the more your eyes, mind, and heart are opened to knowledge the more you realize that there is so much more out there than you thought there was. This is exactly how I felt as I read Tolstoy. I am addicted to learning, but what I really think I am addicted to is having my eyes opened. I know that there are other law students reading this blog, please leave your thoughts through the comments section. Thank you
One more thing… Goodbye from iMore
4 months ago
The last semester of law school will certainly present some new challenges we have not been faced with - namely testing the remainder of our endurance.
It is interesting how our perspectives have changed though since our first year isn't it?
You are a wise man - a lot of people do not realize that the more knowledge obtained just makes you realize you know nothing. This is true in law school, and especially true in the gospel. But I also think that understanding leads to more knowledge in the end because if we look at the right way - we will be humbled. And the humble man learns at a rate exponentially greater than that proud.
Well, I certainly agree that law school has not made me smarter. I certainly do not feel smarter having gone to law school, but at least we have accomplished something. Graduating from law school is an accomplishment that we should be proud of. When you are rolling in the dough please remember us little guys!!
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